One distinctive of abolitionism is that it makes a clear claim to be guided and grounded in ideas and principles that are 100% consistent with Scripture. When we deviate from God’s word we end up substituting God’s solution to our problem of sin with a man-made “solution” that is really no solution at all. As abolitionists we understand that this is very much part of the battle against misinformation and deception.
Humbly but boldly, without hesitation or shame, we correct these errors of pragmatism, syncretism and compromise because this is very much part of the work of abolition. It is part of walking the Narrow Path.
We are ever alert to every Christian, including ourselves, who might be tempted to in a sense begin his argument with the line, “Did God really say…”.
“Pragmatism, doing what seems to work without regard to fixed principles of right or wrong, is largely in control. In both international and home affairs, expediency-at any price to maintain personal peace and affluence at the moment-is the accepted procedure. Absolute principles have little or no meaning in the place to which the decline of western thought has come.” – Francis A Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live
The post God’s Solution Versus Man’s “Solutions” appeared first on World Life.